Title: New mathematical methods in today’s physics: logical, epistemological and computational aspects
Where: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, Volkhonka 14, build. 5
When: 21-23 September 2015
The conference is supported by RFBR grant N 15-06-20715
Aim and Scope
Over the last few decades there were a number of important attempts to apply the new 20-th century mathematics in physics. Mathematics in its turn borrowed from physics many important ideas and motivations. During the planned Conference these developments will be discussed and scrutinized from various viewpoints including logical, epistemological and historical ones.
The Conference will bring together physicists, mathematicians and philosophers working on mathematical foundations of physics. We aim, in partiular, at developing a new theoretical and pragmatic perspective on the famous problem of “unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences” stressed by E. Wigner back in 1960. We hope that this event will help to strengthen conceptual ties between mathematics and logic, on the one hand, and physics and other natural sciences, on the other hand. The Conference is designed as the concluding event of 3-year long research project “Epistemological strategies of application of mathematics in natural sciences” funded by RFBR (grant N 13-06-00515), which will allow the participants of this project to share their results and exchange their ideas with an international scientific community and establish a new horizon for their further researches. Proceedings of the Conference will be published in 2016 (through “Proceedings of Science” or another similar tool)
Monday 21st September ( stream record)
09:00 – 09:15 : Opening words
09:15 – 10:45 : Vladislav Terechovich (SPB) Explanatory Potential of Mathematics in Quantum Physics (abstract)(slides)
10:45 – 11:15 : Coffee Break
11:15 – 12:30 : Mark Lachieze-Rey (University Paris-Diderot) Which mathematics for quantum gravity ? (abstract)(slides)
12:30 – 14:00 : Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 : A.D. Panov (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics). Bell’s theorem, computability of quantum theory, and relativity of the ‘local realism’ (abstract)(slides)
15:30 – 16:00 : Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:30 : Andrei Rodin (Institute of Philosophy RAS)
Constructive Axiomatic Method and Modern Physics (abstract)(slides)
Tuesday 22nd September (stream record)
09:15 – 10:45 : Sergei Kovalyov (Institute of Control Science RAS) Computational Fracture Mechanics: Towards Multi-* Analysis (abstract)(slides)
10:45 – 11:15 : Coffee Break
11:15 – 12:30: Jairo da Silva (University of São Paulo) Structuralism and the Applicability of Mathematics in Physics (abstract)(paper)
12:30 – 14:00 : Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 : Alexander Pechenkin (MSU) Foundations of Physics and Phenomenological Reduction (abstract)(slides)
15:30 – 16:00 : Coffee Break
16:00 – 18:00 : Round Table discussion